Vedant’s Daily Yoga Practice (Autism)


Vedant has been on the Doman Program for 3.5 years. He started on the program with a diagnosis of severe developmental delay and autism. He has had difficulty keeping focus, had auditory sensitivities and is hyperactive. He and his parents work hard every day. His Doman Method programs include recommended nutrition, respiration, cognitive programs and an aerobic physical program. They have made much progress together.

Doman Method incorporates holistic practices for the best neurological environment for brain growth and development. Yoga is one of the programs we offer once basic neurological coordination and organization are achieved. We have found most success when yoga is done independently by our children.

In the video, you can see Vedant doing his daily yoga practice with focus, strength and stamina. The yoga program is geared toward expanding physical, emotional, social and personal independence of the child. Many of our kids are given daily yoga programs for many reasons. Yoga not only develops body awareness, it also teaches children how to use their bodies in a healthy way and how to manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation, and healthy movement. It enhances concentration, increases their confidence and positive self-image.

Vedant has gone on and determinedly run a marathon in his city. His mom was proud of his focus to get to the finish line. He was the youngest participant at 12 years old in the adult race.


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